Death and the Maiden Tomorrow! | 明日、コンサートです

My quartet, The Ansonia, is performing Death and the Maiden by Schubert at Morse Hall tomorrow, May 14th at 5pm (we are the last group on the program). If you are done with classes and have nothing to do, or even if you are busy watching Netflix, please come see us perform! (Or bring your mom <3)

明日、5月14日の17時より、私のカルテット The Ansoniaがシューベルトの死と乙女を演奏します。とても難しいですが今学期ずっと4人でがんばってきた曲です!NYエリアにいらっしゃる方はぜひお越しください♩

Schubert: Quartet No. 14 in D minor “Death and the Maiden”
シューベルト:弦楽四重奏曲ニ短調 「死と乙女」
Sunday, May 14th at 5pm
Morse Recital Hall (60 Lincoln Center Plaza, New York, NY 10023)

The Ansonia
Byungchan Lee, Sumire Hirotsuru, violin
Meagan Turner, viola
Isabel Kwon, cello